How to downsize when moving

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    Do you have an upcoming relocation? If so, you may already know that moving is a complicated process. It requires a ton of preparations and planning. Moreover, it can be filled with various challenges and complications. One of the most important tasks that you have to do before moving is downsizing your inventory. In this article, we are going to talk about how to downsize when moving and why it is so important. Furthermore, we are going to mention the importance of hiring professional movers NJ when relocating.

    Everything starts with a plan

    Before you start doing something related to your moving process, you should first go over your plan for the move. It is extremely important to have one before you begin packing and moving your items. Having a plan for every scenario makes moving a lot more enjoyable and stress-free. Additionally, you also need a plan for your downsizing. This plan should include things such as when you plan to do it, when to finish it, and the items in your inventory that you are going to downsize.

    A man looking at a plan on how to downsize when moving.
    Before you can properly downsize when moving, you need a good plan that covers what you are going to downsize and when.

    Start early

    Do not forget, the process of moving can take quite a while. To make things more organized and efficient, it is good to start downsizing early. This means that you have to take into account the number of items you have in your inventory and how long it may take to downsize it. Take your time. The important thing is that you do not try to go through your entire inventory in one day or one week. The best way to do it is to start early and go through one room at a time. Decluttering is important and one way to avoid common moving mistakes is to do it on time.

    Begin with rooms that have clutter

    One of the questions you may have at this point is where to start exactly? Well, the best place to start is with the smaller stuff. This is relatively easy to go through and you can do it on your own. More than likely, you already have things in your garage or closet that you plan to get rid of. Over time, lots of clutter builds up in this area. We sometimes lose track of the items in these rooms. So, the best place to start is here. Garages, attics, and basements can also be hard to go through if you have a ton of collections, memorabilia, antiques, etc. In that case, it may not be as easy as simply removing the clutter that built up over the years. However, going through areas such as your garage is a must. It will make your packing process and overall moving process a lot easier.

    Move towards the bigger rooms

    As you go through your garage and closet, you also need to start preparing for the bigger rooms. This may seem like an easier process but it can often prove as challenging as deciding which collectibles need to go. If you are moving into a smaller area or you simply lack extra space, rooms such as your own home office may need to go. Items from these rooms can therefore be downsized. So, before you start packing anything, think about the space in your new home and what needs to go from your current inventory. If you do have a ton of different items in your inventory and you want to keep some of them but don’t have enough space in your new home, you should consider hiring movers that offer you numerous moving services NYC including storage services. This is an easy way of obtaining more space until you can figure out what to do with your items.

    Office downsizing.
    Think about your new home and how much space it has. Downsizing your home office may be necessary if you are moving into a smaller place.

    What to do with the decluttered inventory?

    Going through all of the items in your inventory and creating a list of things you plan to get rid of is not the end of this process. You also need to figure out what you plan to do with the downsized inventory. Luckily, you have several excellent options.

    • Donations. The very first thing we recommend doing when you declutter your inventory is to contact your local charity organization. There are plenty of items that they are always looking for and you will be helping someone else by donating items you no longer need.
    • Garage sales. The easiest way to get rid of the garage clutter is to organize a garage sale. Tools, old furniture, and office supplies are excellent for a garage sale. Furthermore, your entire family can participate in this process. Additionally, you get to earn some extra cash alongside getting rid of the items you no longer want in your new home.
    • Online sales. You can set up online sales quite easily these days. There are plenty of websites that give you this opportunity. Keep in mind that certain items may take longer period of time to sell online.

    Hire professional movers when relocating

    We have gone over some of the essential ways to downsize your inventory as well as why it is important. However, it is also important to mention why you should hire the best movers NYC when moving. There are many benefits that you get when you hire professional movers. They will help you with all of the key moving-related tasks. Furthermore, they will secure the transportation and you do not have to worry about your items. Professional movers will offer you a ton of different moving services and you can choose the ones that fit the needs of your relocation.

    Professional movers.
    Hire professional movers to assist you with your relocation.


    To sum up, if you want a smoother relocation experience it is important to downsize when moving. There are many ways to do it. However, remember to always start by creating a plan. Try to take your time and not rush this process. Go over your entire inventory one room at a time. Remember to hire professional movers to assist you and your move will be done in not time!