How to sanitize your items before moving

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    Sanitizing your items is more important than ever in these times. Before you are fully ready for the relocation, your items need to be properly sanitized, as well. Luckily, it is not really that difficult to do this task. The process is the same as deep cleaning your house and it requires more or less the same supplies. Of course, if you have an overwhelming amount of time on your hands, the best thing is to carefully sanitize your items before moving by hand. This is not something that many people will either have the time or energy for, but if you absolutely want to make sure that everything is sanitized, this is what you will have to do. For most of us, regular deep cleaning will do. So, before you can safely hire your Queens movers, you will need to roll up your sleeves and do some cleaning!

    In this article, you will learn how to go about this business in an efficient manner, what will you need and a breakdown of what you can expect in each room of the house. So, let’s start with:

    Sanitize your items before moving – Useful tips

    The most important tip that we can give you is to stay calm. Oftentimes people get overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done and they start to panic. And then they make mistakes. If you notice that you are getting stressed out, that you are on the edge, or anything similar, take a small break and get your mind into proper gear. This is really important and you should not take your mental state lightly.

    Other than that, if there really is an overwhelming amount of work to be done, you can always hire a cleaning crew to do your sanitizing for you. Simple and effective, but a bit costly.

    Get proper supplies for sanitizing your items before the move.

    Gather cleaning supplies in order to sanitize your items before moving

    The first things that you will need to acquire if you are cleaning on your own are the proper supplies. You will need quite a bit of items for the cleaning part and you will also need some aerosol spray or similar for the actual sanitizing. The fact of the matter is that you can only sanitize clean items and for that, you will need to do some cleaning.

    Your cleaning “toolbox” will most likely want to include the following: Multi-surface cleaning sprays, glass and wood cleaners, various brushes and polishes, rubber gloves, limescale remover, microfibre cloth or dozen, a feather duster, and a dustpan and broom, to name the most.

    Depending on your household, you may need some more supplies to thoroughly clean everything. You may want to refer to a cleaning supply checklist if you are unsure.

    How to successfully sanitize and deep clean your house?

    The best way to go about this business is to separate the work by rooms. Creating a checklist will help you significantly too! You can start in any room but you may want to start from the rooms that will not be used after you finish with the cleaning and sanitizing. We will do a breakdown of tasks in each room. For clarity, the rooms that we will be covering are:

    • Kitchen
    • Bathroom
    • Living room
    • Bedroom
    • Furniture
    Start sanitizing your kitchen first.


    To start things off in the kitchen, you need to remove all the food that was in there. Your movers Fort Lee NJ will not transport perishable items anyway, so this task is something you need to do either way.

    With the kitchen, preparation is key. You need to empty out all of the shelves and cupboards before cleaning them. If you are carrying any of those items with you, sanitize them with an aerosol spray or similar solution. The fridge is the most important item in there and its interior needs deep cleaning before actual sanitizing. Make sure to devote enough time for this task as deep cleaning and sanitizing the fridge takes quite a bit.

    All of the cutlery and the kitchen appliances need to be carefully cleaned and sanitized, one by one. These items are mostly small and do not require much time to sanitize so you can do them in your breaks from working on larger appliances.

    Finally, make sure that all the taps and faucets are properly wiped, that the counter-tops are disinfected and that the oven is clean all-around.


    The bathroom will most likely have plenty of small items for personal use. You may want to sanitize these more carefully than the small items in the kitchen, as their usage is more delicate. Wipe everything before you apply the sanitizing solution and make sure that you are working in a clean environment.

    Clean and sanitize your bathroom thoroughly!

    Living room

    The living room is full of high-touch surfaces. You need to focus your sanitizing efforts on the items that are getting a lot of touches, first. As with everything else, you will need to clean the items first then sanitize them. This room will have many items that you may not be carrying with you to your new home. Make sure to declutter before you start any sanitizing, to avoid any wasted effort.


    When it comes to the bedroom, most of the items that you will be carrying with you are the items that you get in contact with often. Make sure that everything is properly washed before applying sanitizer and that the carpets and curtains are steam-cleaned.


    The process of moving bulky items takes a lot of time and you will also have to clean every pice before the move. You need to vacuum and dry-wash your furniture before you can start the sanitizing process. You may want to consult cleaning professionals before applying sanitizer to some specific fabric, though. Speaking of them, if you don’t have a lot of time for this task, you can always:

    Hire professional cleaners to sanitize your items before moving

    A costly, but the easiest option. Hiring professionals will relieve you of much of the stress and effort that comes with cleaning and sanitizing. You can focus your efforts somewhere else while the cleaning crew takes care of your items.